2 478 Consulates and Embassies in 177 Countries

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Embassy of the United Kingdom in Sofia
Sofia . Sofia . Bulgaria
Consulate of Brazil in Mersin
Icel . Mediterranean Region Turkey . Turkey
Vice Consulate of Brazil in Bergen
Bergen . Hordaland . Norway
Embassy of Peru in Athens
Atenas . Attica . Greece
Embassy of Peru in Buenos Aires
Buenos Aires . Buenos Aires Capital . Argentina
Embassy of Argentina in Algiers
Alger . Algiers . Algeria
Consulate of Brazil in Sucre
Sucre . Chuquisaca . Bolivia
Embassy of Spain in Lisbon
Lisboa . Lisboa . Portugal
Cônsul-Geral Portugal na Beira
Beira . Sofala . Mozambique
Consulate of São Tomé and Príncipe in Malabo
Malabo . Bioko Norte Province . Equatorial Guinea
Consulate General of Brazil in New York
Nova Iorque . New York State . USA
Embassy of Switzerland in La Paz
La Paz . La Paz . Bolivia
Embassy of Greece in Belgrade
Belgrado . . Serbia
Embassy of France in Maputo
Maputo . Maputo . Mozambique
Embassy of Spain in Sofia
Sofia . Sofia . Bulgaria
Embaixada da Ucrânia em Portugal
Lisboa . Lisboa . Portugal

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